Structural Integration
“The process of Structural Integration includes balancing the body in segments and achieving vertical alignment from balancing the body from front to back, side to side, top to bottom and inside to outside.”
— The Guild for Structural Integration
More about Structural Integration
Often, the continual pressures of the workplace, child bearing and raising, injury, daily stress and physical effort can impact our body’s optimal alignment. Over time, consistent stress will shorten and tighten fascia. Any structural imbalances that result have a tendency to develop symptoms such as stiffness, discomfort, decreased energy and inefficiency of movement. Our goal is to allow for more system-wide effortlessness (especially in breathing, walking and standing), and the capability to maximize athletic performance (through coordination, body awareness and structural differentiation).
Improvements established during SI series’ can last longer than a year. However, as bodies change through illness, child bearing/rearing, injuries, accidents or emotional/mental (dis)stress, additional work may be necessary to enhance original results.
The process of going through SI is an extremely personal experience. While it is unlikely that any two people receiving an SI series will have similar experiences, there are several common benefits. After sessions, many notice that areas of pain and discomfort are neutralized and limbs feel light and free when walking or moving. An increase in balance, flexibility, energy and breathing capacity are consistent themes as well. It is not unusual to appear or actually become taller and/or slimmer. Mentally and emotionally, people notice increased confidence and body awareness, less stress, and a greater ability to bear more life are some of the mental and emotional benefits noted.
Footnote: You cannot undergo physical changes without affecting the psychological makeup of an individual. Numerous variables such as our belief systems, attitudes, emotions, reactions, thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns are all interconnected to the outward appearance of each human’s physical structure. Calibrating the fascial system and subsequently impacting the other systems (eg. digestive, nervous, circulatory), may unlock previously unexplored areas of the psyche. It would be important to understand that a 12-series may alter one’s outlook, and could potentially commence a transformational period in one’s life.
Structural Integration (SI) was initially derived from Dr. Ida Rolf. Read more about the history of Rolfing® and its creator here: